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Dongguan detection|micro motion|touch|button|toggle|USB-DC socket switch manufac

栏目:company news

发布时间:2021-01-13 09:41:24

The reset switch is one of the plug-in objects of the patch cord on the motherboard. When it is pressed by the hand, it short-circuits, and when it is released, it returns to the open circuit. The instant short-circuit will restart the computer. Simply put, it is a restart button.

The difference between the reset switch and the self-locking switch: After the reset switch is pressed, the initial state will be restored when the hand is released; after the self-locking switch is pressed, the hand will not return.

The reset switch is very similar to the jog switch. Strictly speaking, it is also a kind of jog switch, but the difference between the reset switch and the ordinary jog switch is that the selection of the reset switch is longer, and the contact is not a point, but a stroke

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