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What are the advantages of USB connectors? -USB manufacturer tells you

栏目:Industry Information

发布时间:2021-01-13 09:45:34

1. Easy to use

The USB connector interface can be used to connect multiple different devices. In the past, serial and parallel ports could only connect to one device. Therefore, when switching from one device to another, you have to shut down. USB saves users these troubles. In addition to connecting multiple devices in series, the USB connector also supports hot plugging. In terms of software, the driver and application software designed for the USB connector can be started automatically, without the need for users to do more operations.

2. The speed is fast enough

Speed performance is one of the outstanding features of USB technology. The maximum transfer rate of the USB interface can reach 12Mb per second, which is 100 times faster than the serial port and more than ten times faster than the parallel port. The USB TYPE C plug-in used now reaches 5Gb/S!

3. Flexible connection

The USB interface supports serial connection of multiple different devices. In theory, one USB port can connect 127 USB devices.

4. Independent power supply

Ordinary devices using serial and parallel ports require a separate power supply system, but USB devices do not need it, because the USB interface provides a built-in power supply. USB power supplies can provide 5 volt power to low-voltage devices, so new devices do not require special AC power supplies, which reduces the cost of these devices and improves cost performance.

5. Support multimedia

USB provides two-way data support for the phone. USB can support asynchronous and isochronous data transmission, so that the phone can be integrated with the PC to share voice mail and other features. USB also has high-fidelity audio. Because USB audio information is generated outside the computer, it reduces the chance of electronic noise interfering with the sound quality, so that the audio system has a higher fidelity.

For more information about USB connectors, please pay attention to our company, we will always update our information!

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